Alston Soares

Alston Soares



Alston Soares
Full Stack Developer

I am a Passionate Web Developer, Open Source Contributor and AI/ML + Blockchain Enthusiast. My favorite tech includes MERN, Next.js, Prisma, Tailwind CSS, Flask and Python.

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Some of my amazing projects.

Excited to view my work?

Questify AI

Questify AI is an AI-integrated web app created with Next.js, TypeScript, Prisma, MongoDB and OpenAI LLM. It is an AI Question Generator and Course Generator. It is an all-in-one edtech platform for game based learning and more.


EtherShare is a React.js, Web 3.0 & ETH (crypto) sharing platform created using React.js, Solidity, Ethers.js, Hardhat and Tailwind CSS. It is a basic web3.0 platform for sharing ETH with anyone in the world.


Swasth is a web application made with Flask, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, SQLite and SQLAlchemy. It has an EHR system for a hospital along with healthcare chatbot, disease prediction, face recognition AI, video chat, meditation, insurance facility ads and admin portal.

Custom Data Chatbot

This is a AI web app made using Next.js, OpenAI vector embedding model (text-embedding-ada-002), Pinecone DB, MongoDB Prisma and Clerk. It is a custom data chatbot that can be used for any purpose. It is a chatbot that can be trained on any data.


LearnBlocks is a decentralized education platform created using React D3, Firebase, Next.js, TypeScript, Prisma MongoDB, OpenAI LLM, Vercel AI SDK (Langchain), Pinecone and Plasmo. It is a platform for students to learn, grow and buy courses using ETH transactions.

Terminal Portfolio

This is my terminal portfolio made with React. It is a terminal portfolio that showcases my projects, skills and contact information. It is a fun and interactive way to view my portfolio.

3D AI Teacher

This is an AI integrated web app made using Three.js, Next.js, OpenAI and Blender Models. It is a 3D AI Teacher that teaches you about various topics. For now, it can teach japanese to users along with grammar and vocabulary.

Public Square

Public Square is a dApp made using React, Firebase, Solidity, Ethers.js, Polygon, Hardhat, Flask and Python. It is a Decentralized Web App for Complaint Management.


Financify is a web app created with React.js and React Router. It is an Expense Tracker and Financial Planner. It helps you keep track of your expenses and plan your finances. Financify is your Budget Buddy.


COMP-C is a website built with React and Tailwind CSS. It is a website that showcases the achivements of the SE COMP C batch of TCET. This website also provides the resources and opportunities needed for our academic growth.


ThinkLabs is a website built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS. It is a website made for students and teachers to learn and teach in a personalized way.


Alstazon is an e-commerce platform created using Next.js, TypeScript, Prisma, MongoDB and Zod. It is an e-commerce platform with a focus on user experience, security and authentication provided by NextAuth.


Betcrypt is a web app made with React.js, Web3.js, Solidity, Hardhat and Tailwind CSS. It is a 1-1 betting platform for cryptocurrencies (Crypto Opinion Trading). It is a platform for betting on any topic.


Medinova is a web app built using Flask It is a hospital management system that provides services like booking appointments, viewing reports, etc. It also has a chatbot for answering queries. It was a prototype made for Swasth (final project).

Hawkeye CV

Hawkeye CV is an ANPR model made using OpenCV, Python, Flask, EasyOCR and SQLAlchemy for detecting and extracting number plates from videos, images and live camera feed.

Bubble Chat

Bubble Chat is a website made using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and WebRTC. I used SDK for real-time chat feature.


TravelBuddy is a MERN Stack web app made using React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Tailwind CSS, GCloud APIs and TripAdvisor API. It is a travel planner and guide for users. It provides information about places to visit, hotels to stay and restaurants to eat.


WeWomen is a static webpage made using React.js and Tailwind CSS. It was a project made to empower women worldwide. It is a comprehensive solution created to empower women by tackling the problems they encounter every day.

View my tech stack.

My skills as a developer

  • Next.js

  • React.js

  • Flask

  • Express.js

  • Node.js

  • Astro.js

  • SvelteKit

  • TailwindCSS

  • Hardhat

  • Bootstrap

  • MaterialUI

  • MongoDB

  • Prisma

  • MySQL

  • Firebase

  • Pinecone

  • NeonDB

  • SQLAlchemy

  • SQLite

  • PostgreSQL

  • Python

  • JavaScript

  • Solidity

  • Markdown

  • C

  • C++

  • TypeScript

  • HTML5

  • Git

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • Java

  • Postman

  • Zod

  • NextAuth.js

  • ReactQuery

  • OpenAI

  • Streamlit

  • Azure

  • Pandas

  • Numpy

  • OpenCV

  • Sklearn

  • Github

  • Kaggle

  • Jupyter

Want to know me better?

A bit about me.

I am .


a curious learner

I am always looking for new ways to solve problems and create new and innovative solutions. I am dri...


a team player

I have participated in 10+ national level hackathons and emerged as winner at 4 hackathons. I am abl...


a self taught developer

I have a coding experience of over 2 years. I am a self-taught developer with a passion for learning...

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View my github contributions.

Days I code on Github


My Contribution Graph

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